Sunday, December 26, 2010

SEO notes (4): SEO Team

A good team for SEO:
1) Analyst: Analyzes the market; competitors; overall view of SEO
2) architecture and programmer
3) writer / editor
4) hardware administrator

Monday, December 6, 2010

SEO notes (3) - Difficulat SEO websites

The websites that are difficult for SEO:

1) Orphan page: There is no child links;
2) Unfriendly SEO CMS: e.g: CMS that contains a lot of JS, frame and ajax.
3) Bad server Configuration: if 302重定向,访问权限,robots.txt设置以及服务器空间的稳定性, 都会阻碍Spider
4) Cloaking 比如隐藏文字、没有任何内外链的网页
5) Session Based Coding URL根据访问者的cookie随机变换、html代码中大量的字符,这些session闯下的祸,对于一个不依赖SEO的网站来说可能没什么,但是对于一个基于SEO的网页来说可是致命的。
6) no error handling意思是没有处理错误页面;如404跳转等

1) dynamic framework
2) contains a lots of iframes
3) change frequently
4) has a lot of bad inbound links
5) Flash website


Sunday, December 5, 2010

SEO notes (2) - Keyword

1) spread keywords in page
2) short keyword on page title (“-” seperator)
3) picture alt
4) meta tag:
'meta name="description" content="" '
'meta name="keywords" content="" '
'meta name="robots" content="" '
meta robots:
'META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" ': not to follow the page.
5) H1,H2... tags
6) bullets
7) bold fonts
8) Home page optimization (most important page) : every page should link to home page;
9) Site optimization: deep link; text; CSS
deep link:
10) 网站有pdf文件吗?如果有的话,可以用新的标题、关键词、评论来优化文件。使用Adobe Acrobat Professional来编辑pdf文件